What Revit Wants: Repurposing the Autodesk USB Media
If you happen to have a 16Gb or 32Gb 2012 Autodesk Design Suite USB thumb drive gathering dust in a drawer, I repurposed one (after backing up the data) by using the following tool … after reading Luke’s handy post and a handful of the comments:
It’s a simple tool with one button. I make no guarantees or warranties but it worked for me.
I tried it for 16Go and 32Go. it works for me also.Thanks
Worked for Product Design Suite Premium 2012 (16 GB drive).
Just make sure you have one USB flash mounted, there's no way of choosing a drive.
Thanks, worked for me, too!
thanks it works perfectly (32gb)
Muchas gracias funciono a la perfeccion, suite design premiun 2012 32 gb
AWSOME ! This worked like a charm. I formatted old version because we received the new version. * I think protecting usb drives simply for software distrubution is a wasteful, once the software is outdated I bet most people toss it out once they discover they cannot erase or write to it.
it didn't work for me .. it gave error - code 121.. any guidance?
did not worked for me.... gave error code 121... any guidance / advice?
Also worked for me! 16GB Building design suite standard 2013
Worked for me as well!
Building Design Suite Standard 2013 16GB Aero Key.
Worked great on the 16G USB version
This worked for me too! on IDS 2012 Premium. Why they don't let you re-use your incredibly expensive storage holder right out of the gate I don't understand but hey - now I can use it for something.
Format fail, error code: -2
2012 Autodesk Design Suite Premium 32GB USB stick worked for me! Thanks! No longer a paperweight.
Failed on 32Gb
Format Fail, error code: -2 > [OK]
Tried multiple other approaches before running formatter
perfectly worked on 2012 desing suite premium 32gb usb. now we can use it freeley.. eyvallah koçum
It work for me Design suite std 2013 (16gb). Thanks all
it isn't work on product design suite P and U 2014. Can you help me?
I find it odd that it works sometimes and doesn't work other times. maybe someone else here can help you out but provide more detail on what happens when you make an attempt.
It works very much.
Yes. It works
Yes. It works.
Format Fail, error code: -2 > [OK]
I am getting this error on two sub flash... Help?
Thanks - worked perfectly on a Design Suite Ultimate 2012 32Gb stick :)
Format Failed error code -2
What does it mean? Is the USB bricked already? some assistance please
It worked on my 16gb stick, but i got the "Format Fail -2" error on the 32gb.
this tool is for USB2.0 device, only.
do not try for USB 3.0 device.
Perfect! One pick and it does its job.
The "Format fail, error code: - 2" happen when I tried to format a 2013 USB on the second attempt i got "Format fail, error code 1167"
BUT it worked great on my 2012 - 16 bit and 32 bit USB. Any chance you could write a set up to take care of the 2013 USB drives?
Got the Format fail, error code - 2 but this was on a 2013 USB. Is there a code out there for this? It worked great on the 2012 16 & 32GB drives I had. Anyone know if there is one of these available for the newer 2013 USB drives?
works greate for the Dell 8GB Win8 Install USB Flash Drive..
i searched a lot and then i found this little tool.. greate job
worked for building design suite premium 2015 (32 GB). thanks!
Worked great. Used it on a 2011,2012,2013 Flash drive. The interface is very plain. It just says "Formatting" . No status bar or anything to let you know progress. There is a red LED in the front of my drives that blinked continuously while formatting.
When finished the OS saw the drive like it just been inserted :-) THANKS
Looking for this tool, but link doesn't work. Is it posted anywhere else?
Please, help link download format usb autodesk. thanks regard
i am not able to download the Formatter.zip file, anyone can help me to download the file
Sir can you email me the link for download for the formatter
Formatter.zip file not downloading. Is there any other links available for downloading
I've moved servers and have lost the file. I will try and recover and repost. Sorry for the trouble.
Ok, the Formatter is back up. Sorry for the delay. Cheers
Work great on my 32GB drives. Thanks!
i have used it for my usb but now my usb isn't working anymore. and for my other one it is taking an verry long time any other opinions?
G R E A T....
Worked on dell 16GB after all else failed. Had an error format message, but just ignored it and re-formatted with windows. Works fine now.
No way. It stopped functioning during the format. I left it alone for 3 hours and it still hadn't done anything. The light on the thumb drive wasn't flashing or anything. Finally I had to pull it out. That's when it gave me an error and now the drive is wasted. This happened last time too. NEVER AGAIN
Thanks for give´me free applications for Toshiba MSFT Norb PMAP 8Gb Formatter
This worked on a Microsoft Windows 7 recovery usb drive that had the Phison 2251-03 (a.k.a 2303Q) IC on it. I ran the formatter on Windows 10. When I had the drive in my USB 3.0 port the formatter didn't work. Then I switched the drive to a USB 2.0 port. The formatter worked that time, but it crashed before it finished completely. It had already overridden the write protection on the flash drive at that point, though, and I was able to use Windows to reformat the drive.
It not work for USB of Building Design Suite Premium 2015 (32GB). Have got any other way?
not work with Building design Suite 2015 32 GB
worked for 16 GB Autodesk..
Thanks a lot,,,
thanks, its working :)
It worked perfect for me! 4 usb drives, BDSULT 2012 (2), BDSULT 2013 (1) and BDSPRM 2013 (1)
Didn't work Product Design Suite Ultimate 2014, 32GB. Tried on USB 3.0 and the light on the flash drive flashed for about a minute then stopped. The screen only displayed "Formatting" for several minutes. Canceled at this point and remounted flash drive. Windows makes sound for a device being inserted but nothing shows up in explorer or Disk Manager. Flash drive just has a steady red light on the back. Tried in USB 2.0 port and again in USB 3.0, only a steady red light. Will try to mount the flash drive again in Linux later.
What a gem! Worked on 2012 Design Suite
Did the job for me! perfect and best! Love formatter.zip! Amazing!
Tank's it's work
Can someone tell me how to use it on 2015 and 2016 Media Kits?
Great it works...perfectly :)
Wow, only 5 years later I was finally able to re-purpose this 32GB Drive!
Now that the later versions of Autodesk are downloadable and having the ability to create a deployment is much more efficient.
It failed the first time but was successful on the 2nd go.
Thank you!
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